No-Judgement Gym 






The gym in Bridport with a difference 

Our ego-free gym is the perfect combination of old-school and modern.

Looking to train for an upcoming powerlifting meet? You're welcome here. Looking to dip your toe into the fitness world for the first time? You're welcome here.

The only thing we ask of our no-judgement gym members is that they leave their ego at the door and respect their fellow gymgoers. In a culture of shaming and exclusion, we aim to be a breath of fresh air by combining the community feeling of 1990s gyms with an emphasis on general health and wellness.

We're always happy to give visitors a tour. Come and visit our gym in Bridport

Apply for a Taster Session Membership




Our no-judgement gym facilities

GymCarey's approach to training is old-school. We might not be shiny and our equipment isn't state-of-the-art, but we are clean and tidy and our equipment is time-tested and reliable.

Our gym has a full stock of both more modern machines and old-school cast iron.



Free Weights

  • Cast iron plates
  • Olympic bumper plates
  • Rack of small dumbbells 10kg
  • 12.5 – 40kg dumbbell rack
  • Fixed barbell and EZ bar rack
  • Flat bench
  • Decline bench  
  • Incline bench
  • Dumbbell bench
  • Deadlift platform
  • 7-foot barbells
  • Olympic loadable dumbbells
  • Olympic EZ bar
  • Olympic hex bar  







  • Viking press
  • Pin loaded leg press
  • Small smith machine
  • Life Fitness lat pulldown machine
  • Life Fitness chest press Machine
  • Life Fitness shoulder press machine
  • Life Fitness deadlift machine
  • Life Fitness low row machine
  • Life Fitness pin-loaded cable machine
  • Lat pulldown machines
  • Plate-loaded iso-lateral leg raise
  • Seated plate-loaded leg curl



 Cardio and Functional Equipment

  • Slam balls
  • Slam bags
  • Sandbags
  • Kettlebells
  • Battleropes

(Don't worry if some of the names leave you scratching your head. Come on by the friendliest gym in Bridport for a taster session and we'll happily show you around them).



The gym floor is lined in rubber mats, chosen to both reduce noise and to provide a low-impact surface on joints for jumping and other aerobics.

We have full camera coverage of the gym for our member's safety and security.


Free drinking water is always on tap, as is antibacterial spray and wipes (A hygienic gym is a happy gym!)


Outside the weight room, we also have a coffee machine, a stock of tea and a kettle for post-workout catch-ups. 



Our Timetable

Our doors open from 7:15am Monday to Saturday.

Sunday is reserved for our introduction sessions, giving newcomers an opportunity to try out the equipment and get a feeling of the gym while it is nice and quiet.  

Our Programs

If you need a personal trainer with nearly 3 decades of training under his belt, experience with rehabilitating and training around injuries and a sunny disposition to boot, look no further than Nigel Carey.

Come on by our no-judgement gym, and we'll work out the details. 


Come and visit our gym

Our doors are always open to new members and the kettle is always on.

You can find our gym in Bridport at:

Unit 20 Crepe Farm Business Park


