No-Judgement Fitness  





 We have something for every goal and every schedule

 Do you want an experienced eye at your back to help ease you into (Or back into) the gym? Do you need a professionally-made program written to help you reach your fitness goals? Or do you need some enthusiastic but caring encouragement? Wherever you are in your fitness journey, we're confident that you'll find something for you at GymCarey.

We're dedicated to no-judgement fitness and positivity. Come and visit the friendliest gym in Bridport for a taster session to see what we're about.  

Apply for a Taster Session



Here's what we offer 

Personal Training

For just £24/hour, you will benefit from the undivided attention of a seasoned athlete and personal trainer with over 25 years of hands-on experience.

Nigel will train alongside you the entire time, whether you're trying to rehab a nagging shoulder injury, lose weight for a wedding or just want to have fun in the weight room. 

Drop-in Sessions

We understand that a gym can be a big commitment in the long-term, especially if work, family or other commitments stop you from attending the gym as often as you'd like.

Our drop-in sessions offer a more flexible alternative for those with chaotic schedules, or those who want to get a taste of the friendliest gym in Bridport and our approach to no-judgement fitness before they make a commitment.  

Gym in Bridport

Taster Sessions

Gyms are a lot like people – Each one is different, with its own unique ‘personality'. A pristine skyline fitness centre in Dubai will feel different to training in a grungy powerlifting gym in London. Some people fall in love with a gym at first sight, while others might want to get to know them better before entering a relationship.

Our taster sessions let people feel for our no-judgement fitness approach, give our equipment a try and get to know Nigel. We might not be for you, and that's alright. Or we might be the best gym you've ever attended. Come on to a taster session and find out.  



But that's not all…

As part of our mission to build a community around our gym and spread the good word of health and fitness, we'll be hosting seminars and courses throughout the year.

Some days we'll be going over the best way to squat for your body type. Other days we might be showing you how to train around, treat and rehabilitate elbow pain. We're open to ideas and suggestions from our members. Once in a while we will get a guest speaker in to talk and answer questions about a particular topic, from personal trainers to nutritionists.

These will be open to the public, but our members will get both first dibs and a discount on their seats. Come and visit our gym in Bridport, or call us at 07875 344480 if you have any questions





About our monthly challenges

Nothing is more motivating than a bit of healthy competition. Trying to beat personal bests is one thing, but trying to beat someone else's best lights a fire under you and gets you moving like nothing else.

We'll be hosting a different member challenge every month. One month we might be competing for the longest plank, the next we could be flipping tires.

Whatever we end up doing, there will be prizes on the line!  

Join Our Community


Come and visit our gym

Our doors are always open to new members and the kettle is always on.

You can find our gym in Bridport at:

Unit 20 Crepe Farm Business Park


